
Happy kids sweater: Embroider a cheerful text on a sweater

There’s nothing better for your little one than snuggling up in a warm sweater. But sometimes, kids' sweaters could use a little extra fun and personality! In this blog, we’ll show you how to embroider a cheerful text onto a sweater to create a unique piece!     

There’s nothing better for your little one than snuggling up in a warm sweater. But sometimes, kids’ sweaters could use a little extra fun and personality! In this blog, we’ll show you how to embroider a cheerful text onto a sweater to create a unique piece!                           

With a simple embroidery technique, you can completely transform a plain sweater. Add your child’s name or a fun phrase that reflects their personality. If you’re unsure where to start, use the included template—the same one used in the example sweater.

Using Vlieseline makes embroidering even easier. Simply print your favorite text, stick the Vlieseline onto the sweater, and embroider it in no time. For a chunky knit sweater, use a thicker thread to make your embroidery stand out. This way, you’re not only creating a unique sweater but also making a stylish statement!

Share your creation on social media with #LetsReStyle and inspire others to personalize their own sweaters. Show how your creativity brings a unique, customized garment to life!


  • Sweater
  • Vlieseline
  • ReStyle wool needles (art. 015.10521)
  • Scraps of colored cotton or wool (this tutorial uses various shades of Durable Cosy)
  • “Happy” template

Other supplies

  • ReStyle embroidery scissors (art. 027.15)
  • Bowl of warm water

Work description

Step 1: Choose a text to embroider

Think of a phrase you’d like to embroider on the sweater. The download includes a printable template with the word “happy”, but you can also design your own text in different fonts to personalize your project.

Step 2: Print the text on vlieseline

Print the text onto Vlieseline and attach it to the desired spot on the sweater.

Tip: If you don’t have a printer, you can trace the text from your screen onto white paper, then transfer it onto the Vlieseline. Alternatively, use a water-soluble fabric marker to draw the text directly onto the sweater.

Step 3: Embroider the text

Embroider the letters using a chain stitch with a wool needle.

You can also decorate the sweater with small flowers or other designs for extra detail.

Step 4: Secure the threads

Once you’ve finished embroidering, secure the thread ends neatly on the inside of the sweater.

Step 5: Dissolve the vlieseline

After securing the threads, place the sweater in a bowl of warm water. The Vlieseline will dissolve and disappear.

Step 6: Ready to Wear!

Once the sweater is dry, it’s time to enjoy your personalized creation!

Info About the blogger

Esther Sollie
Ik ben Esther Hoek. In dagelijks leven vrouw van Bart, moeder van vier kinderen en juf/ambulant begeleider. Best een druk bestaan dus. Om alle ballen hoog te houden heb ik het nodig om af en toe heerlijk achter mijn naaimachine te kunnen kruipen. Of bij minder tijd op de bank of op het strand met een haakwerkje. Al van jongs af aan ben ik bezig met lapjes stof en bolletjes wol. Op mijn 15e ging ik op naailes. Ik heb daar veel geleerd. Naaien vanaf een patroon vind ik leuk, maar zelf dingen bedenken en uitwerken nog veel leuker. Ik hoop dat ik jullie op deze plek mag inspireren en uitdagen om ook aan de slag te gaan met je eigen creativiteit!