Sewing and Fabrics

Fabric garland with punched decorations

Would you like to try punch needling and are looking for a fun, beginner-friendly project? Then this fabric garland with punched decorations is perfect for you! This creative DIY project is ideal for beginners, as you only need to punch small sections. Plus, you can endlessly experiment with colors, patterns, and shapes to create a unique and personalized garland.

069.2000Would you like to try punch needling and are looking for a fun, beginner-friendly project? Then this fabric garland with punched decorations is perfect for you! This creative DIY project is ideal for beginners, as you only need to punch small sections. Plus, you can endlessly experiment with colors, patterns, and shapes to create a unique and personalized garland.

With this fabric garland, you can add a creative touch to any interior or celebration. Use fabric and yarn scraps to make your project extra sustainable and get inspired by the endless possibilities of punch needling. Curious about how to make this garland yourself? In this blog, you’ll find a free tutorial with a clear step-by-step guide. Grab your punch needle and fabric scraps and start this fun craft project today!


  • Durable punch needle suitable for thin yarn
  • Embroidery hoop of 20cm (012.BR20) or larger. Smaller is also possible, then you have to move it while punching.
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • 1 A4 paper to make a mold
  • Bias binding leopard print, in desired length for garland
  • Fabric (calculate 30cm x 40cm per swing point) 069.2000, colour 884
  • Denim thread Gutermann col. 1970 (ochre yellow)

Other supplies


More than 250 cm

Work description

Step 1

Cut the fabric into pieces of 30cm x 40cm. Draw a flag on the A4 paper that is 15 cm wide at the top.

Step 2

In the middle of this line, draw a line 20 cm long 7.5 cm down. Now draw a line on both sides of the 15 cm down to the bottom of the 20 cm. Cut out this triangle so that you have a template for the flags. Place this template in the center of each piece of fabric and trace onto the fabric with a pencil.

Step 3

Sew the flag closed with denim thread over this pencil line along the long sides. It is best to start at the top of one of the long sides, so that you can finish at the other top.

Step 4

Attach the hoop to a piece of fabric so that the flag is in the center.
Draw the desired figure or word on the flag with a pencil. Choose colors of yarn and you can get started punching.

Step 5

Repeat this with all the fabric pieces.
Cut the flags all around, 1.5 cm from the denim yarn.

Step 6

Pull off the threads of fabric on both sides of the jeans yarn. This works best from the corners at the top of the flag.

Step 7

Cut the protruding threads 1.5 cm from the denim thread. Fold the bias tape in half, first sew 30 cm closed and then sew a flag every 5 cm. Then finish with 30 cm of bias tape.

Info About the blogger

Anneke Kooistra
Hoi, Mijn naam is Anneke Kooistra. Zolang als ik mij kan herinneren ben ik in de weer met stofjes, garen, lint, kraaltjes, knopen en alles eromheen. Borduren, breien of naaien, ik probeerde als kind van alles uit en was helemaal in mijn element als het lukte zoals ik het bedacht had. Toen maakte ik van alles voor mijn pop en nu vooral voor onze kids. Daar is zoveel leuks voor te maken! Zes jaar geleden ontdekte ik het haken. Meteen na mijn eerste project was er geen houden meer aan! Inmiddels is haken mijn grote liefde op handwerkgebied. Het leuke aan creatief bezig zijn is dat de mogelijkheden eindeloos zijn. Daarom vind ik het ongelofelijk tof dat ik voor CraftKitchen mag gaan bloggen! Ik hoop jullie te inspireren en wens jullie heel veel handwerkplezier! Wil je meer van mijn creaties zien dan ben ik op Instagram onder de naam @Ak_at_home te vinden. Liefs, Anneke